Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 12, 2017

Students have been assessed using the Star 360 program to get a baseline score in both Math and Reading for this school year. We have an MTSS time built into our week on Thursdays which allows for me to work with specific students on skills they are struggling with. The optimum outcome is to have students meeting or exceeding grade level expectations.  Students scoring in the red (require urgent intervention), yellow (need intervention), blue (are on watch) and green (are at or above the benchmark scores).  Student in either red or yellow will receive intervention and be tested every couple of weeks to monitor progress.  All other students meeting the standards will only be assessed 3 times during the year to check their progress at the beginning, middle and end of the year.  During our first parent teacher conference you will be given a print out of your child's assessments.

The fourth graders are finally taking flight in their mapping unit and have learned how to measure distances on a map, determine location using latitude and longitude, and read legends to see what the symbols on the maps stand for.  They are working in teams of three as they plan out their flights, write diary entries and learn of fates that occur as they race across Andorania (a fictitious continent).

We are not as far ahead as I had hoped to be so we will not begin our state research reports until the third week of October.

Below I have included some pictures from our first field trip to the Tunbridge Fair.  A great time was had by all.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the school or at home.

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